Are you creating a new or a secondary Instagram account?
Or are you looking for Instagram username ideas?
Either way, you need to choose an Instagram username that is not taken.
Choosing an Instagram username can be challenging because there are over 1 billion registered users.
As a result, the username that you want might already be taken.
However, a way to bypass an already taken username is to use a variation of it.
For example, you can add words, numbers, or an underscore to it.
This article contains 370+ cool, aesthetic, and cute Instagram usernames for boys and girls, most of which are not taken.
You’ll also learn if Instagram usernames are unique and how to change your username.
Are Instagram usernames unique?
Yes, Instagram usernames are unique.
In other words, you cannot use the same Instagram username as another user.
If you do, you’ll get the “This username isn’t available. Please try another” error.
If the username that you want is already taken, there are a couple of workarounds that you can try.
Firstly, you can add “its”, “the”, “hi”, etc., in front of your username.
Secondly, you can add numbers or an underscore to your username.
Instagram also allows you to add “.” to your username.
How do I change my Instagram username?
- Open the Instagram app and tap on your profile picture on the bottom navigation bar.
- Tap on the “Edit Profile” button on your profile.
- Tap on the “Username” field.
- Delete your current username and choose a new one.
- Tap on “Done” to change your Instagram username.
If the username that you’ve entered is not available, you’ll get the “This username isn’t available. Please try another” error.
After you’ve changed your username, you won’t be able to change it for another 14 days.
Cool Instagram usernames
- esteemedlegend
- immortaldugong
- apprehensivewolf
- legendarygore
- renownedmafia
- literaloutlaw
- lifeyummies
- llamaharmony
- poetryyellow
- moshiinspiration
- llamaquiet
- icecreampipsqueek
- kawaiisutwilight
- dusticecream
- schnoogleduh
- pleasedlogolepsy
- applerhubarb
- treehouseglad
- anticipatebug
- fancytipsycakes
- joyjoy
- friendssleep
- comfortgrass
- usefulboop
- slurpthankyou
- empathysnuggle
- soothcoolbreeze
- skyfratchy
- mittenanticipation
- playdoughdoodle
- whifflespecial
- anticipationdreams
- rainbownap
- oreossleep
- jubuharmony
- drizzlebrumby
- glowsweetdreams
- kissflowers
- flowerssoft
- warmfortunate
- oreosroses
- singingnap
- celebrationcompassion
- hubbaroses
- awesomecakes
- peacelighthearted
- camaraderiepoetry
- reliefkiss
- kawaiisupachinko
- snaffleadore
- hineysnuggle
- rhubarbswing
- smoochlogolepsy
- peppermintfrumious
- merryhumor
- companionshipmumbo
- rhubarbbumble
- hubbasun
- chiffchaffupbeat
- toesymusic
- schnoopllama
- befuddledkindness
- rainbowhubba
- mittenschocolate
- patientnappies
- kithlymilk
- wondergenerosity
- sleepyfriend
- redkindness
- sillypeppermint
- mittensbirds
- frecklescompanionship
- shoopblush
- magicalhobby
- delightfullove
- spookypeaceful
- lakefly
- inspirationpyewacket
- smilesamazing
- purloinwhoopsy
- carrotblush
- hubbajoy
- inspirationalwordie
- frappujackukindness
- curlupdear
- snickerdoodlearglebargle
- baskwin
- smileswigglebop
- leavescake
- browniessammich
- kisseshug
- wavessnaffle
- snugglebird
- lovelypie
- snowflakealive
- icecreamboop
- renewalnostalgic
- tipsycakesballoons
- upbeatsockembopper
- humorwarmweather
- thimbletouch
- purloinschnoopie
- flowersglume
- springsnowflake
- huffingoreos
- puppiesfroglet
- butterfliestogether
- anewsoft
- swingbird
- giftspiggildy
- bubbleshealthy
- camaraderiegrace
- wigglebopmild
- wishessleep
- upbeatpoodle
- starsnature
- balloonssand
- respectbungle
- blitherelax
- inspirationalicecream
- freeplay
- oceanhurdy
- togetherdownsteepy
- dewhornswoggle
- cakecompanion
- bubblesweet
Aesthetic Instagram usernames
- wisedeers
- curiousanteater
- naturetoodle
- leephurdy
- woohootreehouse
- giantantelope
- fratchyapples
- runbirthday
- downsteepypipsqueek
- angelslollipops
- patienceyellow
- adorepiggy
- upbeatopen
- relieftickle
- bumblechunkymunky
- carriwitchetrelax
- rosescompliments
- fratchysleepy
- gardenblissful
- wonderawesome
- beautifultush
- rapturetipsycakes
- amazechild
- wishkitty
- yellowwhimbrel
- whoopsjellybeans
- chompgood
- freedad
- motherschnoop
- hometea
- hopefultea
- purloininglenook
- milkjubilant
- teetertotterpancakes
- simpletoesy
- sillytehe
- foodcooperate
- shoopzzzzz
- sparklehubba
- fulldaisy
- spontaneoushug
- favorbirthday
- pantshuffing
- wordiebliss
- llamaupbeat
- daisybreeze
- firerelax
- tinygratitude
- applepiepopsicle
- snurfleteetertotter
- tootglee
- cleansleep
- glowdoodie
- swingwoesies
- bunglepink
- sunbeautiful
- friendsilly
- dunderheadwelcome
- runballoons
- daisyhobby
- alivefull
- strawberrieswin
- kissesmuffins
- birdsky
- graciouslolly
- smoochtoys
- fluffcolors
- favorlol
- warmthbungle
- vivaciousprinky
- gladblush
- gurdylife
- teetertottersilly
- snuggleburkina
- befuddledpyewacket
- pieplaydough
- bunglecalm
- marshmallowstea
- joyhuffing
- luvluv
- canoodleglitter
- bugstrawberries
- swingsooth
- mittennappies
- hullabalooduhh
- swingsongs
- glitteradorable
- delightawesome
- whoopspooch
- alivesweetheart
- joycomedy
- hubbapoplin
- welcominganticipate
- successlilies
- overjoyedjumbo
- leaveskisses
- elationhug
- tinytoescasual
- foozlejumbo
- bubblyduhh
- smittensleepy
- rapturecompliments
- hineyheart
- momyummy
- thimblewelcome
- hineysparkle
- kissesadorable
- jellybeansholiday
- rosescollywobbles
- bunglearglebargle
- zzzzzbubbles
- growspooky
- snowflakestoys
- glitterapples
- smiletogether
- yummygenerosity
- schnoopiehiney
- poetrymitten
- goofytiny
- blithefrumious
- rainalive
- amazingleep
- daycute
- comedyblossom
Cute Instagram usernames
- slykoalabear
- lonelychinchilla
- sadgrizzlybear
- decentfoxy
- vibrantcaterpillar
- sleepykangaroos
- blessedspiritual
- funpink
- booksfresh
- snowflakesidea
- tickledreams
- funnyjubilant
- patiencewonderful
- smilewaterfall
- openfull
- surprisedad
- muffinsprinky
- sillylollipops
- oceanpets
- mildcarrot
- safehome
- schnoogleapples
- jellybeanschnoop
- dunderheadtoodle
- scuttlesnurf
- warmweatherjoy
- bombsylife
- sleepypie
- sweetheartsnurfle
- applepiechildhood
- tastybloom
- springawesome
- peacefullove
- leepsnurf
- bubblypuppies
- hubbymother
- babyawesome
- piggildysleep
- simpleblooming
- candlelightmelody
- chompdazzle
- prinkyhobby
- arglebarglecomfort
- blessedschnoop
- honeywhoops
- vivaciouscompliments
- bubblycompliments
- jigglyfather
- spiritualsunlight
- whooshriver
- beachwoesies
- singgrow
- freshdimples
- hornswogglecomic
- delighthiggildy
- inglenookkawaiisu
- kawaiisuinglenook
- sleepybaby
- poetryhumor
- petsrain
- jumbocooperation
- deelishpresents
- burpleinspired
- lifetehe
- frappujackutush
- pinkhornswoggle
- llamaplayful
- doodlesafe
- brumbyrainbow
- togethertogether
- amazedfancy
- momrhubarb
- collywobblesfrumious
- poplincompanionship
- patientcribbage
- milkfunny
- waterrun
- lightheartedwhiffle
- daylightwigglebop
- jubutreehouse
- aweglee
- toesypiggildy
- awesomecooperate
- patiencemittens
- blooptogether
- aglowidea
- positivewarmweather
- kindnessplonk
- falldad
- doodiepictures
- lolfresh
- sunlighthubba
- gleejolly
- eatboondoggle
- friendsdaisy
- motherbloom
- lovestruckpiggy
- playwaterballoons
- ecstasycomfort
- kawaiisuexuberant
- higgildycaprimulgus
- delightcuddle
- renewalpooch
- schnoogledust
- hedgepiglettruth
- cozymuffin
- smoochieswhole
- snowflakesockembopper
- gleebright
- woohoopleasant
- giftsblithe
- sweetdreamsgratitude
- hobbyicecream
- toodlefoozle
- cakehopeful
- waterballoonsmom
- skyaglow
- touchbook
- lollipopsbumble
- breatheapplepie
- amusepiggy
- springholidays
- smoochquiet
- doodlessun
- chocolatejoy
A general guideline you can follow is to keep your social media usernames similar.
However, it’s highly unlikely to have the same username across all social media platforms.
This is because the username that you want might already be taken.
If you’re creating a secondary Instagram account, you can add “spam” to your username.
A spam account is where you can post pictures that didn’t make it to your main account.
Typically, you’ll want to keep a spam account private so that you can also post more frequently there.
Did you find an Instagram username that you like in this article?
If you did, feel free to use it as your Instagram username.
Keep in mind that the usernames are in no particular order.
Further reading
How to Reply to a Specific Instagram Message
How to Recover Your Instagram Account Without Email or Phone Number
270+ Good, Cool, And Cute YouTube Channel Names